ABOUT concept-A
concept-A acoustics + architecture was founded by us, Peter Maier and Oliver Hackhausen, over 20 years ago. From the onset, it was our heart’s desire to think at the same time about both the acoustic and the architectural side of a project and to plan and develop the whole job in close cooperation.
Our concept has succeeded: We have planned and carried out many renowned studio projects in Germany and around the globe in the last few years. We were also able to broaden our business to plan and build media houses, production film theaters and big international projects.
concept-A employs an expert team of both structural and building engineers and engineers specialized in room acoustics and acoustic measurements. We also enlist engineers who can implement complex building constructions as well as architects and set designers who guarantee a sophisticated and ergonomically well-thought-out design. The proximity of all our team members and the wide-ranging, interleaved knowledge ensures the integrated planning of ambitious and challenging media projects.
Please take a look at our client list, references and a selection of our projects. You can contact us either on the web at info@concept-a.net or call +49 89 130 1239-0
Our Philosophy
We are connected by our desire for high professional standards, but also by our passion for film and music. That’s how we have managed to establish ourselves worldwide even though we are just a medium-sized company: we work not only professionally, but also with passion!
We regard ourselves as our client’s advocate and represent his/her interest in every phase of the project. That includes, for example, applying and securing building permits, communicating with participating expert planners and negotiating with construction companies. As a result, we always keep our eye on timing and costs so our clients are freed up to carry on with their usual and actual business.
When the going gets tough, concept-A stays calm!
We stand for the close cooperation between acoustic engineers, architects and set designers. It is especially important for us to not only work together smoothly and effectively, but also to create real added value for the project and the client. The “whole” is always more important than the sum of its parts. This approach, combined with specialization in the fields of broadcasting and the media, is one-of-a-kind and offers our clients comprehensive know-how regarding planning and realization.
To guarantee our high quality standards in the implementation of room acoustic constructions, we have developed extremely high-grade and effective acoustic elements, which present the ideal solution for every room.
We adopt your project as our own from the start and offer only solutions, which move you forward. The size of the project makes no difference to us: we think, plan and execute in an integrated manner in your best interest. It is our goal to offer optimal support in all stages of the project.
We are happy about satisfied customers and expand our range of services and products consistently. Please take a look at our list of references (link) and selected projects (link)
For a first contact, go to: info@concept-a.net or call +49 89 130 12 39-0